Genie's lamp - 3 Wishes
Underneath your blackest emotions,
Far above your brightest wishes,
Stands a world for you to hold.
by Samael - Goodreads
‘If you found a magic lamp what 3 wishes would you ask theGenie for? What would each mean to you? No wishing for extra wishes.’
If God gave me those kind of magic lamp, what am going to
ask for? Certainly, I am going to ask for happiness, wealth and health. But how
do I have to translate these three words into reality?
Nothing is more joyful than to see my two daughters succeed
in their life. They were my world, the
purpose of my life in these world. Will
ask nothing only succeed and happiness for my two lovely daughters.
The second wishes is Health. If God will grant me His beautiful
love, I will ask Him that when the time comes, I want to die peacefully without
having to go through a prolonged illness. Only that simple request, nothing
And the last one is Wealth. There are no words that can
describe the criteria of riches. Every human being has their own definition of
wealth. Well, I don’t ask to become a millionaire, I just ask God to give me the
capability to finance myself and my two beautiful daughters.
A wishes without extra wishes …..
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