Dream Conversation ...

I was reading my horoscope prediction for Thursday when this statement woke me up from my sleeping mind.

The situation is so confusing that you’re half convinced walking away is the solution. But maybe you need to ask yourself a different question. Maybe it's not should you stay or should go, but what should you do next ?

Sometimes, not sometimes, but many times in my daily corporation world when the situation getting tough and unbearable, I always said to myself that maybe walking away is the solution for all the problems.

But many times also I said to myself to stay for a while, giving the “if” statement to manipulate the feeling or the burn out that I felt at that moment.

I never asked the above question “what should I do next” … the powerful question that become the basis of our action. Instead, I always follow what others think it’s best for me. I never follow what “should I do next” result.

“What other thinks suitable for me” … most of the time becomes the trigger of “what we think is the best for me”. It’s not always bad but sometimes it makes our decision becomes blur.

We believe that “others” can know better than “we” can. Even though at the end, we always said that it’s our need, it’s what I want, it’s something that I want to achieve, still the person who pull the trigger is not ours but somebody else.

The question … is it right or wrong ? The answer, once again, I got from my horoscope prediction :

Right and wrong – the line between the two can get pretty fuzzy on occasion, especially if you overanalyze. Take a step back and really look at the situation and you’ll see the obvious choice.

So now the question is “what should I do next ?” The answer is still the same, work for a while, try to find time for my personal life, finish my book, before finally make my last move to quit and start my own. Work on something that I want; not to what others think that it’s what I want.

When ?
No one can answer it straight away ….

Why ?
Because there’s several condition that I have to prepare before finally make my last move.

…..Back to my discussion with my colleagues on Thursday dinner, of taking our own way, my answer to them, is still the same …. “what should you do next ?”, what is your own goal in life ?

We cannot run away from this horrible situation, wherever we go we always meet with this kind of unbearable situation. Not exactly the same, but the essence is the same. Instead of run away it's better if we find the answer of what we are going to do next ....

"I know that after we answer that kind of question, we might walk to different direction, but at least, as we said during the dinner, we would not miss our lovely, funniest marketing meeting. And maybe someday we will have dinner again, share our dream journey," ... my farewell statement in silence ...


Anonymous said…
Hello Tere616,

When standing at a "crossroad," I have found that trusting God will challenge me to simply do nothing at all until I can see my way clear.

"Be still and know that I am God" is a Scripture that makes most people feel uncomfortable until they learn how to discern God's voice from the rest of the voices trying to get our undivided attention.

"Where do we go from here?" is a question that is currently facing the leadership of America. Many of us have lost our way because we've been listening to all the wrong people for too long.

It's my prayer that God will gift you with the wisdom and understanding you seek so that you will know which path to choose. Waiting on God isn't always easy, but doing so will keep you out of harm's way.

Anonymous said…
Mohon maaf bila komentar ini tidak senada dengan pemberi komentar yang lain.

Saya membaca tulisan ini berulang-ulang dan tetap tidak percaya bahwa hal sangat ordinary ini di beri bahasan yang sepanjang ini.

Sepanjang yang saya tahu, ybs memiliki pengalaman yang sangat sarat dan panjang dan penuh dengan pasang surut. Rangkaian pengalaman yg tdk mudah bahkan sdh dialami di usia yang sangat muda hingga tahun lalu hingga hari ini . Yang paling penting, apakah masalah itu datang dari lingkungan atau masalah yang dibuat sendiri. semuanya bisa dilalui dengan caranya sendiri yang unik dan penuh keteguhan dan seringkali berkat kekerasan hatinya untuk mencapai sesuatu.

Saya sendiri tidak yakin apakah saya mampu survive bila diberi banyak ujian dan seberat yang telah dgn teguh ybs lalui.

Kedua, hal yang membuat saya tidak habis pikir adalah ybs memiliki pengetahuan yang mendalam dalam leadrship, kepribadian, kesuksesan dan bahkan filsafat. sejak diusia muda setahu saya buku2 dgn subyek tersebut sebelumnya telah dibaca dan ditelaah dgn seksama.

Jadi apa kesimpulannya. Ibu There yang baik, ibu jauh LEBIH BESAR dari apapun yang anda rasakan sekarang. menurut saya what to next adalah terlalu dangkal untuk karsa dan dedikasi yang sudah begitu panjang dalam mewujudkan Misi pribadi anda. Bukan karena perusahaan kita jadi frustasi, bukan perusahaan yang membuat anda horibel. karena being frustated dan horibel adlah keputusan anda menyikapi hal yg terjadi.

Wah saya yg jadi kepanjangan, atau sebetulnya tulisan ini adalah hanya
yang besuk sudah tidak ada hubungannya lagi dgn apapun. hahaha seperti biasa.

Stay strong There !
Manchild :

As you say, waiting for God's advice is not an easy thing. Sometimes we ignore to what God has said to us, we were impatient to hear in silence. Anyway thank you for the advice, but am a believer that for every path that I took was part of His plan.

Anonymous :
Tentu saja mengherankan topik yang sangat "biasa" ini dibahas sedemikian panjangnya, apalagi bagi mereka yang sepanjang perjalanan hidupnya tidak melewati jalan tol. Tetapi jika Anda awas, dalam pernyataan yang sangat "biasa" ini, maka Anda akan menemukan bahwa "what we should do next" pada akhirnya akan berujung pada "sikap yang akan kita ambil" atau dalam bahasa Anda "keputusan kita menyikapi hal tersebut".

Kembali lagi pada uraian saya di atas, seringkali yang menjadi dasar keputusan kita adalah "orang lain", "orang" dalam hal ini dapat berwujud "manusia" ataupun "perusahaan" ataupun "situasi". Merekalah yang menjadi pemicu kita dalam mengambil suatu tindakan. Jarang bahkan hampir dikatakan nyaris tidak ada suatu keputusan penting dalam perjalanan hidup kita didasarkan pada "sikap kita" (keputusan dalam bersikap).

Saya sangat tersanjung atas pujian Anda, tetapi saya juga harus jujur pada diri sendiri, bahwa keputusan penting dalam perjalanan karir saya pun dipicu oleh "orang lain" walaupun pada akhirnya terletak pada "keputusan saya dalam menyikapi pemicu tersebut". Dan seperti komentar saya terhadap Manchild, "at the end, am a believer, for every path that I took was part of His plan".

Once again, I feel flattered.
Anonymous said…
do you understand? or do you know exactly what you have writen in your blog? I dont think so!
You have to thanks God for everything you do, for every step you make and for everythin you have especially your children and husband (still have?). Feel them in every breathe you take and you will know WHAT TO DO NEXT?
Anonymous said…
do you understand? or do you know exactly what you have writen in your blog? I dont think so!
You have to thanks God for everything you do, for every step you make and for everythin you have especially your children and husband (still have?). Feel them in every breathe you take and you will know WHAT TO DO NEXT?
anonymous : Sometimes we don't have to write all the reason. I know exactly what I've written in my blog. But if you read it carefully, you'll understand the underlying of my reason to stay.

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