Phantom of The Opera - my reflection -

This is what I called LOVE ..
Where the only thing left is only the SHADOW of the one that we love ..
Where the strength to continue the life is only the MEMORY ..
Where no other HOPE than LOVE itself ...


Anonymous said…
That's a very intriguing idea about Love, Lalita. I work very often in similar veins, trying to catch the shadows of lost love or love that never was. I don't know why I'm drawn to themes of absence and incomplete transcendence, but we may have similar sensibilities in that regard. I will try to use your thought in a Very Short Novel. Thanks for the inspiration. I don't regret the world's multiplicity of languages, but I do regret that I won't be able to read your novel in the original when you finish it.
nadia febina said…
hai! salam kenal!! :)
glad to land here... phantom of the opera is my favorite musical play.. watched it and feel in love with it... All i Ask Of You is now my fav song too!
Nice wordings you have here in the blog, you share some positive attitude & energy... thanks for sharing! :)
davidbdale : thank you for the compliment. Will visit your blog and read some short story there.

nadia : salam kenal juga. Wow, nice to know that you love phantom of the opera too. Thank you for the compliment. Have visited your blog but didn't put a track there ..
Anonymous said…
Do not say about love, if you do not know it well. Some people become stupid when talking about love, because it is nice only to be said. Ask yourself deepest in your hearth, do you love the closest people in your live who love you most?
anonymous : I know love very well. Otherwise, I can not write that such of thing. Love in my world is "shadow". If you have that greater love, where you can keep it for yourself, than you're lucky.
Anonymous said…
Hi, selamat ulang tahun dan berbahagia, selalu sehat dan terus bisa menulis
Anonymous said…
Hi tere, "anonymous" was right and I don't think so you know what love is, coz I'm sure you hurted someone if you know love in your world is only a "shadow"
Wake up honey, you're dreaming when you wrote such of thing, coz your real love is when you're awake, you face it on your daily hard life.
To me, you're hiding something when you wrote about love. am I right?
Manly : For me love is still a "shadow" especially when you knew that you never have that. Yes it will hurt someone closest to me, but it also hurt me. And to answer your question, no, I'm not hiding something when I wrote about that love. Look at the end of what I wrote, .." Where no other HOPE than LOVE itself". Love that makes me survive in this world.

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