A Note to Heaven

I will never leave you.
I’ll stay in your heart
- Jack Frost -

I know that you never leave me
I know that you always guard me from above
I know that you know that I always love you
I know that you know that I missed you so much this time

I know that you hate me use the IF word
Especially since the IF will not bring you back to this world

And I know that you know that I still have the beautiful memories of you.
The memories that I’ve always picture it through my mind together with the wing of an angel.

Did you know that one of my blogger friend once told me that after all the sorrow that I encountered; the only left is the beautiful memories …
And he’s right; the only left now is the beautiful memories of you

I miss you Dad
Miss you so much.
Christmas Eve won’t be the same anymore this time …


Anonymous said…
he must be a good dad
surjit singh said…
Tere 616,I fully agree with you:
...'Christmas Eve won’t be the same anymore …..'
"Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad”
God bless him.
boy : Indeed, he taught me a lot of things :-)

surjit : hi, how are you ? can't agree more than you, it takes a special person to be a dad. And yes, May God Bless Him ..

May all is well with you too

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