Short Message Service

One of my friends once said to me that we could not express our feelings through SMS.
I thought that he had tried to find excuses at that time.
So I just laughed.

But after my little fight with my best friend, I have to admit that it was true.
We could write anything, using several words, but still it can not express our feelings.
It depends on the receiver’s and the sender’s mood.

We had been friends for ages but still when it comes to misunderstanding the words then nothing can rectify the situation.

It started when I sms her for some information.
Everything was going on smoothly until one of “my comments” of her “busyness” made her upset.
I thought that we made a joke as usual but unfortunately she misunderstood my “feelings”.
We end up our sms with a little bit disappointment.

I thought SMS could be a bridge for our “lack of communication”.
I thought I can rely on SMS to save the bill.

But by looking in to my last experience, I doubt it.

I should know that “verbal communication” even though through “phone” is much better than SMS.
Still people can manipulate their voice, but the intonation, the word that they choose could reflect their feeling.

I will not say “good bye” to SMS, but I will be extra careful with that “things”.


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