
Showing posts from September, 2008

Ramadhan Through My Eyes

Cerat Centhini - The hidden treasure

Another Quiz - Me, the Career Girl

British, Mecca and Toilet

Moment of Truth - The Dark Side

Ramadhan, Porn and Poverty

Somebody's Eyes

My Love to the Earth

What Did I Believe As A Child

McCain and His BlackBerry Invention

"Lost in Translation" .. a book

Yin and Yang - The Harmony - Ebony and Ivory

Plurk World

The Beauty of My Silver-lines

You're Always On My Mind

Check This ... What an Ad .. Honda

The Anonymous and Me

A Mother's Mumbling

Racist in the eyes of an Indonesian

How Boyish or Girlish You Are

Slave of Gadget or Technology

Time Will Tell - Asia

The Restless Mind - My Indonesian Blog

The Difference Between Truth and Fact

Google Chrome

Henri Cartier - Bresson (2)

Henri Cartier-Bresson