Slave of Gadget or Technology

I just realized that lately I’ve been the slave of technology, precisely the 24 hours mobile notification a.k.a. mobile phone.

It started when my company suddenly decided to give me another tools, so they can contact me anytime or at least I can reply to their question immediately, by knowing of my habit of answering the mail or sms.

I was surprised when they gave me a blackberry. I have used it before, in 2005, when everyone was still with Nokia communicator. The blackberry that I used was the first blackberry, the ugly and wide one.

Same as today, my 1st blackberry also a “gift” from my company to keep in touch with me, so I can answer or give my decision immediately.

Therefore, having a new blackberry – where it’s under company’s name – again for me is not like am having a bulk of money, instead I felt like am become a “prisoner” again.

There’s no reason for me to say that the network was bad or am still on my way to the office, or I don’t have the chance to open the mail or forgot to bring my data card.

Start on that date all the impossible becomes possible and start on that day also, I have to manage all of my 3 (three) cell phone besides my schedule and my team.

So I made a list of the pro and cons. Here’s the list of pro and cons of having 3 (three) cell phone :

I can say that am in the middle of having conversation at the other phone
I can do different things with the phone, since all of the three cell phone have different features.
I can read all my mail, my RSS, plurking, chatting, anytime.
I have different game in each of my cell phone.
I don’t have to bring extra battery for my cell phone.

No time for relaxing, every time I heard “You’ve got message” or “the tone of incoming mail from my BB”
No time for excuses that I haven’t read my mail.
No time for run away by saying that the connection was bad at home
I have to be ready when they need me.
I have to remember to charge all of my three cell phone.

Well, having a blackberry for just a life style maybe fun, but having a blackberry because of the company’s demand, is different thing.

But if I have to choose, after having the 2nd blackberry, I have to admit that it’s nice to have a gadget like that nowadays. Like world is in your hand.


Katadia said…
Tere, I hate SMSing. I just hate texting. I hate that people demand you promptly reply to their SMSs. SMS can cause a lot of misunderstanding too. Like... hello.. I forgot to reply to your SMS because my mobile was missing in my son's toy box for 2 days! I am slack in emailing too. Weird that the idea to get "unplugged" and to relax is just getting harder with new tech invention. Sigh
Anonymous said…
Disini orang gak se-aware sama hp terbaru kayak di Indonesia. Hape ya hape aja, buat telpon or texting. Kalo masih bisa dipake ya sutralah. Daku termasuk yang suka ganti2 hape disini walaupun gantinya baru sekali setelah disini (2.5 tahun period), kebayang orang2 yang masih pake nokia jaman jebot :D
katadia : Hm ... maybe because am now working in telco industry, so suddenly am become a fans of texting even though texting can lead to misundertanding. I've once have a fight with my best friend just because misunderstanding the text that she sent to me.

But yes, its hard to relax nowadays, where the new invention is everywhere :-(

The writer : Nah itu yang gw suka, soalnya gw juga bukan orang yang suka ganti HP, HP gw masih yang Nokia 6600 itu lho, yang ada di gambar.
HP gw yang canggih 2 itu, hehehe, itu pemaksaan dari kantor. Apalagi yang BB, judulnya dipinjamkan. Kalau yg Dopod, sudah hampir 1 tahun, jadi kantor jg males mintanya :-)
Anonymous said…
Blackberry ?....Asik gila huehehehehe mungkin bener yang mbak bilang, punya BB kalo cuma buat fun emang asik tapi kalo untuk urusan kantor?...aaaarghhhh....
Btw saya pernah make Hp sampe 3 mbak, dan akhirnya bete sendiri perkara ngasih makannya alias ngisiin pulsanya hehehe...kalo aku demen tuh mbak gonta ganti Hp..gak tau deh seneng aja ngutak ngatik yang baru....cuma sekarang masih betah pake Iphone and BB....gak tau ntar kalo ada yang baru lagi hihihi
Bubba said…
I swap my mobile once in every four years, does it make me bule?

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Rob Baiton said…
I sometimes wish I was more of a gadget geek...reading your post shows me how not with it I am...

Thanks :D
Rob Baiton said…
I have always wondered about people having two or more mobiles. I went to the immigration office once and the woman dealing with my documents had 3 mobile phones (all Nokias if that matters).

The funniest thing though was that all three rang at the same time. Seriously, at the same time. What was funny was that it must happen pretty regularly as two assistants jumped up and answered a phone. I guess she had already assigned phone answering duty :D
Novi : nyerah deh kalau harus beli sendiri. Sekarang aja ribet banget. Aku kebetulan nggak terlalu pusing sama HP, aku pusingnya sama buku. Nggak tahan kalau lihat ada buku yang menarik, sayangnya karena lapar mata jadinya buku yang belum dibaca numpuk deh :-)

Bubba : Compare to change the bag every month, your Mars impulsive are heavier than the bag ;-)

Nggak Bubba, nggak jadi biru, cuma jadi itu lho langit yang hijau ke ungu-unguan .. :-D
Rob : LOL. I once had that kind of experience, both of my cell phone rang at the same time, well..yes have to admit, ask my team to answer the other one.

But to tell you the truth, am not a fans of that gadget thing, as long as my internet connection at home running well, then for me its enough.

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